Sunday, 21 January 2018

Više od riječi / More than words

Umjetnost je kao droga i jednom kad ju probaš nema povratka. Ona bespovratno postaje dio tebe, dio tvog bića, tvoje svakodnevnice. Tvoj san. Tvoja java. Vuče te. Gura. Tjera na namoguće. Traži više i još više. I svaki put predaješ joj sve, bez zadrške, cijelog sebe. 
Stvaranje samo je po sebi uzvišen čin i kao takvo uvodi čovjeka u jednu sasvim novu dimenziju postojanja. I u svakom činu stvaranja ponovo se rađaš, živiš, dišeš, osjećaš svaki atom svog bića i beskonačnost svog uma. Teško je takve ljude pratiti i sa njima živjeti, jer više nisu tu nego što jesu, ne tjelesno nego duhovno, njihov um zapravo nikad ne pripada nikome, pa čak ni njima samima. Vezani za svoju ličnu realnost, svoj paralelni univerzum povezuju svijet u kojem oni žive sa onim koji nastaje u njima i njihovim glavama. Umjetničko djelo ne mora nužno biti lijepo, ali mora pokrenuti nešto u čovjeku, nekakvu emociju, bilo kakvu. Moraš nešto osjećati dok posmatraš nečije djelo. I ući u svijet u kojem riječi ne znače mnogo, u svijet u kojem se priča osjećanjima. 
O ovoj seriji fotografija neću ništa pisati, tema zapravo ne postoji. Postoji samo januarski sumrak, kiša, jedna djevojka i jedan svijet na vrhu nebodera, blizu oblaka, a daleko od ljudi.

Uživajte! xxx


Art is like a drug and once you try it there is no ecape. It becomes irreversibly part of you, part of your being, your everyday life. Your dream. Your reality. It teases you. It pushes you. Searching more and more. And every time you give all of you, without delay.
Creation itself is an exalted act and as such introduces a man into a completely new dimension of existence. And in every act of creation, you are born again, you live, breathe, you feel every atom of your being and the infinity of your mind. It is difficult to follow such people and live with them, because they are no longer there than they are, not physically but spiritually, their mind actually never belongs to anyone, even to themselves. Tied to their personal reality, their parallel universe connects the world in which they live with what is created in them and their heads. An artwork does not necessarily have to be nice, but it has to run something in man, some sort of emotion, whatever. You need to feel something while watching someone else's artwork. And enter into a world in which words do not mean much, to the world in which it is told by feelings.
About this series of photos I will not write anything, the topic does not actually exist. There is only a rainy day in January, twillight, one girl and one world atop the skyscraper, near the clouds, and away from people.

Enjoy! xxx

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Novogodišnja Avantura / New Years Adventure

Hej svima!

Znam, nije me dugo bilo ovdje sa objavama, ali nadam se da će se i to promjeniti u narednih 365 dana, pa ću češće ovdje pisati.

Dakle, može li čovjek sebi pokloniti nešto lijepše od putovanja?? Sumnjam. Ipak, to je najbolje investiran novac u izgradnju uspomena. Ja sam odlučila Novogodišnju noć provesti daleko od kuće i tako je odluka pala da to bude Milano. Veliki glamoruzni mondenski grad na sjeveru Italije koji me još prošle godin osvojio, pa mi nije bilo teško donijeti odluku da se opet vratim u ovaj grada. Neću pričati o stvarima koje se mogu pronaći svugdje na internetu i slično, a i pisala sam o ovom gradu na svom blogu prošle godine ustvari sad već pretprošle. Moj fokus odnosi se na svakodnevnicu ovog grada za vrijeme boravka u njemu koju sam uhvatila kroz kameru svog telefon, takođe tu su i Lugano (CH) i Como (IT) kao dva grada na obali jezera Como koje sam posjetila.
Fascinirana monohromnom opcijom na novom Huawei P10 koji donosi Leica dual kamere odlučila sam da napravim seriju crno-bijelih fotografija. Bez ikakvog edita baš onako kako jeste uhvaćeno u pokretu, u gužvi, ljudi kraj kojih sam prolazila, situacije u kojima sam se nalazila i koje sam podijelila na ovom putovanju sa meni jako dragom osobom, sve to iz moje perspektive. Fotografije su poredane hronološki. Šta drugo reći izuzev da se nadam kako će Vam se, mogu slobodno reći ova reportaža, dopasti.



Hey everyone!
I know, I have not been here for a long time with posts, but I hope that this will change in the next 365 days, so I will write here more often.

So, can you give yourself something better than traveling? I doubt. However, it is the best invested money in building memories. I decided to spend the New Year's Eve away from home and that's how I decided its going to be Milan. It was a great glamor-like town in the north of Italy that last year charmed, so it was not difficult for me to make a decision to return to this city again. I will not talk about things that can be found everywhere on the Internet and I wrote about this city on my blog last year actually two years ago. My focus is on the daily life of this city while I stay in it, which I captured through my cphone camera, there are also Lugano (CH) and Como (IT) as two cities on the coast of Lake Como I visited.
Fascinated by the monochrome option on the new Huawei P10 that brings the Leica dual camera, I decided to make a series of black and white photos. Without any editorials just as it was caught in the movement, in the crowd, the people I was passing through, the situations in which I was and which I shared on this journey with a very dear person, all that from my perspective. Photos are chronologically arranged. What else to say except to hope you will like, I can freely say this reportage.

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Milan, IT


Lugano, CH

Como, IT